Course Registration

Online Payment and Registration is Available for our Courses. Simply click the button and select your course. Paypal checkout accepts all major credit cards as well as paypal with or without a Paypal Account.

Classes and fees

Foundations: Clinical Reasoning Foundations Online self paced $325*

* The content of this class is prerequisite knowledge for all other course work, the class itself is not.

Check the course description to confirm your command.

UE: Upper Extremity Evaluation and Treatment (2 days) $625

LE: Lower Extremity Evaluation and Treatment (2 days) $625

CT 1 &2: Cervical - Thoracic OMT (4 days): $1200

CT 3: Upper Quarter Integration of Therapeutic Exercise and OMT (1 day) $425

Cervical Thoracic 1, 2 and Therapeutic Exercise all 3 segments: $1500

L 1& 2: Lumbo-Pelvic OMT (4 days): $1200

L3: Lower Quarter Integration of Therapeutic Exercise and OMT (1 day) $425

Payment & Registration:

please contact

Inquiries: 602-997-7844

COMT: Certified Orthopedic Manual Therapist

  • Those wishing to register and pay for the entire COMT track at one time allowing you to participate in all classes may do so for the 1 time fee of $3950.

  • This does not including testing fees.